Wednesday, December 8, 2010

No Quilting Today

After two days of delaying, I finally tackled the Christmas tree.  It has been sitting in the livingroom and just glaring at it was time to get it done.  Believe me, I would have rather spent the time sitting at my sewing machine but I also love having the tree done so it wasn't really that much of an effort.

Things were going well until the customary accident occurred.

Don't you just hate it when things like that happen.  It was one of my favorite bulbs that I have had "forever".  It was a lovely dark red with gold stars on it and now it is gone forever.

Anyhow, after alot of reaching and bending, the tree is finally done with the exception of the angel on top - I can't seem to find her anywhere.

The picture really doesn't do the tree justice but it gives you an idea of what it really looks like. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful tree!!! When my oldest daughter was three she knocked the whole tree over going behind it and most of the ornaments I had from my mother were broken. It made me sad, but I got over it!! Now I have lots of glass ones and it isn't working out so well with the grandkids, I have to hang them high!
