Saturday, September 15, 2012


This was taken yesterday, September 14, 2012, in my backyard.  Steph is my stepdaughter and has been a cancer survivor many times during her life.  She is about to undergo yet another surgery in Calgary and this quilt will be travelling with her.  During Steph's numerous hospitalizations, she never fails to take a quilt with's become her thing and I am happy to keep her supplied with them.  Even better news is that Steph herself is becoming a quilter and will soon be able to add her own efforts to her collection of quilts. 

The log cabin quilt is near and dear to my heart.  When I first began quilting, a log cabin was one of my first quilts and since then, I find myself going back to the pattern over and over through the years.  That first, original log cabin, is owned by my daughter, Michelle. 

1 comment:

  1. I hope her surgery is successful!! Bless her heart, and bless yours for providing her with quilts to keep her warm and cozy, loved and safe. ~karen
